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A unique approach to early-stage venture investing.

RevRoad Capital invests based on having worked alongside client companies for up to two years. We’ve helped them build their business, remove risk, find product market fit and grow traction. We invest with confidence, already knowing the answers to many of the questions that elude traditional VC.

High-growth companies sourced from RevRoad’s portfolio

We believe in the teams we invest in because we’ve been helping them grow for years through RevRoad’s unique venture services model. These are high-potential companies that have been carefully screened and vetted at RevRoad, and then RevRoad experts work alongside them to gain traction and grow.

A community of founders, operators, and funders

The RevRoad ecosystem

RevRoad is based in Provo, UT and the majority of its portfolio companies are locally grown startups. There’s never been a better time to get involved with this area dubbed the Silicon Slopes:
“Even a random selection of investments from a better-sourced distribution of companies will have a higher expected return than an average venture fund. Fishing in a better pond can make as much (or more) difference as being a better fisherman.”
Paul Arnold
Founder, Switch Ventures